“Incurring unnecessary legal fees can ruin your business. The answer is not to ignore the lawyers, but to get the basis right from the very beginning. Any start-up should sit down and take a hard look at its legal agreements.”

(Richard Branson, Business Stripped Bare)


Many innovators have the tendency to keep legal service providers at arm’s length. That is a shame because our experience shows that it is always worth involving us from the start of the development and execution of your plans. Not only to get a clear picture of the legal risks, but also to make optimal use of the possibilities that the law offers.


An introductory discussion with us is always free of obligation. We take the time for you and typically already provide a number of attention points that you can get to work with right away. Following a more detailed risk analysis, we help you formulate answers to the following questions and more:

  • What is the most suitable legal structure for me?
  • What appointments should I make with my financiers or investors and with my other shareholders, and how should I do this?
  • How do I prevent others from running away with my products and services?
  • What distribution model fits my products and organization the best? What contract do I need for that?
  • Which regulations must I consider in the execution of my business plan? What must I do in relation to these?
  • What is the minimum that must be in place in the contract with my significant business partners?